
From:  Wayne Clapp, FL:  Last Week’s NV&T

Sorry I missed sending out last week’s newsletter.  I had so much going on I simply overlooked it.

From:  Wayne Clapp, FL:  The 500th Anniversary of Martin Luther’s 95 Theses

Save the date for a weekend in the Word in the Charlotte, NC area on the life and impact of Martin Luther.  We are planning on doing it September 30-October 1.

From:  Alicia Andrews, FL:  Great deal for the Florida Day in the Word October 7th

There is a 4 day/$199.99 deal might be a good for folks coming to The October 7th Orlando Day in the Word that would want to stay 4 nights.  There are 4 different Rosen Hotels listed.

But even the regular rates at these properties is not usually bad.  You find it details at:

Please take a few moments and share what’s going where you are this week.
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From Patsy Cooke, AL:  Love and Mercy

I am so thankful that God is always seeking ways to heal me.  I tend to be judgmental to others.  I saw OJ Simpson before the parole board on television today.  I was thinking that he probably deserves what has happened to him.  He did not appear to be remorseful.  The board voted to give him parole and he will probably be released later this year.  I was thinking thoughts like "I thought he was guilty for murder years ago and he got off and now he is being pardoned again."  The Lord nudged me in my spirit and asked me why I had no mercy for him.  I replied, "Well he doesn't deserve it.  He responded, "Neither do you but you need it every day and often many times a day."  "But Lord,” I cried, "He was not remorseful or seem sorry for what he did."  "Neither are you at times", he replied.

My brother-in-law came for a few days to help my husband with a building project (he is always paid for his work).  He had asked me a year ago if he could have our metal dog crate to transport his dogs and I said no because I felt that a dog crate can always be handy when you own dogs as we do.  He has a history of picking up things that do not belong to him and just taking them without asking.  After he left, I remembered that our dog crate on the porch was now missing and I could not find it.  I made a diligent search.  When my spouse came home I asked him if he had given his brother our dog crate.  He stated "No, I set it off the porch because it was in the way when were working in that area."  I had wrongly accused my brother-in-law and my husband.  I was angry for nothing.

So I asked God today. "Why am I so quick to judge others and if they do commit a injustice why do I not immediately forgive and let it go?  I felt he told me that It was because I still do not believe the love and mercy he has for me moment by moment each day and that I do not forgive myself and therefore judge myself and others rather than repenting and believing his love and mercy for me and others.  I can see that if we really believe He loves us that no one has the power to hurt us (Psalm 91) and then we are free to love and have mercy on others no matter what they have done.  All need love and forgiveness often. . . .  Let us all believe the great love God has and is to us more and more.  Then we will quickly forgive ourselves and others.  Thank you God for healing my soul!  Thank you Jesus for your righteousness!!!!

PS:  I have since prayed for Mr. Simpson and his family and my brother-in-law and his family.   Peace!

From:  Wayne Clapp, FL:  We Deliver Good News.

Because we have developed a love of the truth, we may assume unbelievers are eager to hear the truth.  However, most aren't.  In fact, surveys show the majority of Americans reject the idea of absolute truth preferring and valuing tolerance more than truth.

Rick Warren tells us:  “This "truth-decay" is the root of all that's wrong in our society.  It is why unbelievers will not race to church if we proclaim, "We have the truth!"  Their reaction will be, "Yeah, so does everybody else!"

Even though most unbelievers aren't looking for the truth, they are looking for relief.  This gives us the opportunity to interest them in truth.  When we teach the truth that relieves their pain, answers their question, or solves their problem, they say, "Thanks!  What else is true in that book?"  Showing how a biblical principle meets a need creates a hunger for more truth.”

This is the kind of good news people need to hear.  On the opening day of his ministry, Jesus announced, "The Spirit of the Lord... has anointed me to preach good news." (Luke 4:18).  Remember what we bring people is good news… glad tidings of great joy.  It can make a difference in people's lives.  D. L. Moody once said, "The Bible was not given to increase our knowledge but to change our lives."  Is it changing yours?

From:  Auclair Mbuba, Lyon France: Esther

It's with gratitude to God that I write to express not only my joy but the joy of the whole household of Lyon for the wonderful work of research that you do for the people of God.

I finished the French translation of the teaching on "Esther" and I am greatly blessed to see how God works and participates in our lives.  God did great things for Mordecai, Esther, and for all the children of Israel who were only servants, then what can He do for us as sons and daughters?  The biggest.  This summer is the summer of Esther because during these 8 weeks of holidays, we will explore the depths of this book through your research work.

I appreciate the great work that you have done and still doing for the diffusion of the God's Word over the world.

Send our greetings to all the saints who are with you.

Please take a few moments and share what’s on your heart this week.
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From:  Tricia Williams, FL:  Getting Things Done.

I just read Wayne's newsletter on 'Don't ever give up' and was inspired to share.

Lately, I have been very frustrated about some tasks I needed to do, like re-grouting a bathtub wall, building a shed, putting up a fence, and more.  I figured out that my frustration came from sitting on the tasks that I so didn't want to do and not acting on them.  I figured I had to involve God because I needed help with an "I can do" attitude and extra funding.  So, I marked my calendar to do the work and I am doing it.  Bingo, tasks are now getting marked as done.  What a relief mentally.  Not only am I getting tasks done, some are falling off of my list of things to do because they are no longer needed.  For another one, I am able to get free stuff.  For a hard task, beyond my ability, someone showed me how to do it differently.  I have grown from an attitude of defeat by sitting and doing nothing about these tasks to an attitude of "I can do" by deliberately working toward their completion with God's help.  Thanks, God.  

Please take a few moments and share a testimony of God’s graciousness to you this week.
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