
From:  Wayne Clapp, FL:  Messengers For Christ

153 Messengers for Christ started their 100 day adventure August 7th.  There are 8 from AL:  Jared & Bonnie Colf, Patsy Cooke, Fern De Montesquieu, Dennis Gassert & Jeanne Maes, Betty Gilmore and Chris Kenny.  There are 6 from FL:  Alicia Andrews, Rita Gelin, Glenda Harding, Kitty Rhodes, Shari Wierwille & Linda Williams.  Michael & Deborah Kennedy are from GA.  There are 11 from NC: Sylvia Allen, Vicki Allen, Chuck Dietlin, Rick & Sandra Frady, Debra Orders, Chris Rawlins, Amber Vega, Kate West, Tricia Williams & Elaine Woodlief.  Gail Collinson & Lauren Sturre are from SC, and Melissa Dragoo, Cindy Prien & Randy & Terry Van Der Aa are from TN.  Please keep them in your prayers.

From:  Wayne Clapp, FL:  The 500th Anniversary of Martin Luther’s posting his 95 Theses

The Day in the Word on the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s posting of his 95 Theses is scheduled for September 30 in Stateville, NC at the Upper Room located at 129 West Broad Street.  Teaching is scheduled from is 1-5 PM.  There will be more information coming on meals, hotels and music ministry.  For more information as it develops contact John or Karen Zika at:  704-871-9858 (Home phone), 704-450-9172 (John's cell) or 704-450-9162 (Karen's cell).

Please take a few moments and share what’s going where you are this week.
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From:  Wayne Clapp, FL:  Do You Know These People?

Jesus said in John 8:31 7 32, “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”  Continuing is a big deal.  Paul said to Agrippa in Acts 26:22, “Having therefore obtained help of God, I continue unto this day, witnessing both to small and great, saying none other things than those which the prophets and Moses did say should come:”

What a great thing for every one of us to be able to say, “I have obtained help of God and continue unto this day witnessing both to small and great.”  We talk to everybody and anybody.  In Isaiah 6:8 when God asked, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?”  Isaiah answered, “Here am I; send me.”  Thanks for responding like Isaiah did.

Do You Know These People?
This is a little story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody, and Nobody.  There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.  Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.  Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.  Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.  It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.  At last report, these four men were still arguing and the job they were supposed to do still wasn't done.

Please take a few moments and share what’s on your heart this week.
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From:  Tricia Williams NC:  Couple of things

CFFM had there Family Reunion this past weekend.  During a group prophesy, as I was listening with my eyes closed, I saw a RED penciled drawing of a body part that I knew was sick within me.  I took that to mean God had burned off sickness and now it is well.  Thanks, God.

The other day, I stopped to check the air pressure in my tires.  The man told me I had a screw in my 1 week old tire.  He had to go to the warehouse to get another and then put it on.  I went to the waiting room.  There was a woman there for the same reason.  We talked and she said she had not been blessed enough to speak in tongues.  Well, I hopped right on that one.  Within a few minutes, she was speaking in tongues.  The man came in about my car.  He said I did not have a flat.  The screw had just wedged into the tread but had not penetrated it.  The girl looked at me and told me I was here for her and not a flat tire.  Thanks, God, You are awesome.

From Chuck Dietlin, NC:  God had other plans

What a day-thought I had it all planned out and God had other ideas.  Went to do a job in Lexington and pulled into the wrong address-got back in the car and it was dead.  Called AAA to come while I went next door to begin working.  When the man showed up he was in pain and I asked him what was up.  He had shooting pain up and down his back.  I asked if he would like a healing touch from Jesus.  He quickly replied-yes.  I said you do believe in Jesus don’t you?  And that He came to save us and paid for our healing already by his broken body and shed blood.  He smiled and said oh yes- then went into his life which will be another story.  I had him sit down-one leg was shorter by 2-3 inches.  Told him to watch as I prayed and ministered-leg grew out, had him stand and prayed for several other things, rebuked the pain-and asked how he felt-he was smiling and I told him to raise his hands and thank God and Jesus!  He got and touch of Jesus-I got a new battery, He then looked at me and said-“You know this call was no accident-God had sent me?”  I agreed and we both exchanged phones numbers….lots more to the story_thanks God.  

From Linda Williams, FL:  The "peace of God" just FLOODED MY SOUL. 

My husband Roger and I saved our money for about 6 months in order to attend the CFF Yearly Family Reunion.  We did a two day road trip from Florida and arrived the Wednesday night before the reunion was to start Thursday evening.  As we were sitting the the Tipp City Bob Evans restaurant across the street from our hotel, I received a phone call from my sister in Kansas City.  I don't talk with her very often, so I just knew that it had to be something going on with my Dad.  He is 87 years old, is pretty healthy, but I just KNEW something was up.

She told me that he had been having pressure in his chest and also some pain and that he was in the hospital so they could check out his heart and run some tests.  Well, needless to say, I was quite upset - this is my father - I have just traveled two days across the country, I am tired, I am looking forward to the reunion, but, there may be a possibility that I will have to drop everything and fly to Kansas City.

I was overwhelmed, upset, concerned (all of the above).  I prayed the best that I knew how with my husband.  We got our food served, and as I was beginning to eat, all of the sudden, I got the MOST WONDERFUL PEACE.  The "peace of God" just FLOODED MY SOUL.  At that moment, I just KNEW that everything was going to be OK - that my Dad was going to be fine.  I told Roger that.

Later that night, my sister called me to tell me that it was not Dad's heart.  They did a heart cath to check things out - he did not have a heart attack.  I don't know what the cause of the pain and pressure was in his chest, but I DO KNOW that GOD DID SOMETHING!

The peace that God gave me in my moment of need was so wonderful.  His love is so tremendous.  His mercy is from everlasting to everlasting.  How can I NOT love a God like that.

Please take a few moments and share a testimony of God’s graciousness to you this week.
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