Spiritual Integrity Teaching Series


Ruth - The Romance of Redemption

The Kinsman Redeemer in the Book of Ruth

This is a 4 hour presentation covering the entire Old Testament Book of Ruth. It is a beautiful love story of Ruth and Naomi, Ruth and Boaz, and ultimately God and His people. It is a thrilling romantic quest that begins in tragedy and ends in jubilee. It provides an exquisite look into life in Bible times, and reveals God's plan for our redemption through our kinsman redeemer, the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Victory Under Siege

Whether or not we find ourselves in the same physical circumstances as Hezekiah (besieged, outnumbered and surrounded by an enemy who threatens one's very life), we often feel surrounded, outnumbered and under siege by the god of this world and the systems of the world which he promotes. Assaulted by unruly thoughts, our minds often reel from the turmoil. We may find ourselves brought to our knees, crying for help, and unsure of the truth we once believed.

When crises occur, it's the habit patterns of trust and faithfulness we have established that will see us through. God sends His Word to heal and deliver us from all possible destructions. It comes through scriptures we have hidden in our hearts and revelation that brings those scriptures alive to meet our most immediate and pressing needs.

It's the trust and confidence we have developed over time with God that rocks the cradle of our minds and soothes the troubled seas of our souls. The actions that Hezekiah took when besieged by Sennecherib are a scriptural example for us to follow to find victory under siege.

In this Study in Scriptural Integrity, we will see the differences in the account of the siege of Jerusalem by Sennacherib in the books of Kings and Chronicles. The Book of Kings, from man's viewpoint, records the dramatic details of the confrontation and all the intrigue surrounding them. However, The Book of Chronicles, from God's viewpoint, clearly documents that it was the solid foundation that Hezekiah set for the kingdom that paved the way for God to move in a mighty way for His people.

When we are under siege, God can change things drastically, immediately. There is no onslaught from our adversaries that can stand before our God. God saves because He is God and He is faithful to His Word. What an example Hezekiah set for us. He led God's people to victory under siege. God has the power to change things. He is the Lord God who created the heavens and the earth, and there is nothing too hard for Him. So let's learn the lesson of Hezekiah and take our petitions to the Lord. He's willing to fight our battles, and there's nothing too hard for Him.

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Women in Ministry

Biblically, there is no difference between men and women in Christian ministry. However, the role of ordained clergy and leadership in The Church has been primarily limited to men. Have you ever asked yourself the question, "Why is this so?"

According to the U. S. Census Bureau, only about 3% of all ordained clergy are women. Even today, whenever women rise up to serve in leadership roles, the general tendency is to view them with a negative bias. The negative bias toward ordaining women, or even allowing women to serve in leadership roles, has historically been supported by only a few passages in God's Word. Had God intended to limit public ministry to only men, He would have never recorded and emphasized the equal contributions and roles of women in scripture.

There are only two major sections of scripture that have been used to exclude women from leadership roles, (I Timothy 2:11-15 and II Corinthians 14:34-35). In this consideration, you will see that when we allow scripture to interpret itself, God makes no real distinction between men and women in leadership roles in The Church. The difficult scriptures are easily understood in light of the many clear ones. Once we peel away the problems in translation and basic misunderstandings we will know for a surety that it is God's will for women to have the same opportunity as men to serve in leadership roles.

We know that the God of the Bible has no respect of persons, and His calling upon a person's life is without repentance. He calls whom He wills, and gives gifts and ministries as He chooses. Man must not put limitations on Divine prerogatives by elevating or demeaning according to race, social standing, or gender.

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Free to Worship in Spirit and in Truth

Our relationship with God has at its very core a heart of worship, reverence, respect and awe. We serve an awesome God, Who is worthy of our worship and praise. We were designed by our Creator to worship Him in spirit and in truth.

When Jesus was tempted of the devil in the wilderness in Matthew 4 and Luke 4, he responded with, "It is written!" He quoted Deuteronomy and told the devil what the Word say. His reply established the truth that "thou shalt worship the Lord thy God and Him only shalt thou serve." This was the standard of life that he maintained.

Later while speaking to the Samaritan woman at the well he said, "The hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth." He explained that "the Father seeketh such to worship Him." Jesus was speaking about what would be available after the Day of Pentecost.

So much of what is available in our administration of the mystery, the gospel of the grace of God, is unique and had never been possible until the Day of Pentecost. In this day and time we have the unique privilege to worship God in spirit and in truth.

What a privilege it is to live in a day and time like this. Each one of us with Christ in us… Each one of us with a direct connection with our heavenly Father… Each one of us able to climb into Daddy's lap and commune with Him… He wants a relationship with each one of us, and He sees us as His treasure, His masterpiece. The great mystery is not lived out in formulas or with rules and regulations. It is lived and enjoyed as a family with our heavenly Father; the One Who loves us so dearly.

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Is Hell a Place of Eternal Torment for the Wicked?

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