What is the purpose of this site?

For whatever it's worth, this web site is designed as a repository of my previous teachings of the Bible and forum for future teaching series. I'm getting older, but I still have many useful years ahead to sound out the Word of the Lord. I have been blessed to sit at the feet of many magnificent men of God who have taught me how to work God's Word. I have also had the opportunity to teach others also. I'd like to think that I may have had a similar impact on their lives as my teachers had on me. As a workman of the Word I am proud of my workmanship. I present it here, and I'll let you be the judge.

John Shroyer used to have a large cookie jar on the credenza in his office with a sign on it which read, "Pastor's Retirement Fund." We used to laugh when we would think or talk about it, because neither of us ever planned on retiring. Now I was tired yesterday, and I'm tired again today, but that doesn't mean I'm retired. I expect to live out my days being about my Father's business.

Traveling is hard on me, but I still do so when needed. However, I'm excited about the possibility and usefulness of the internet to sound out the Word of the Lord. I would be blessed to come into your living room via the internet and share God's Word with you. I am making everything available at no cost, but if you find it worthwhile and would like to support my efforts I will be glad to accept donations.

Please accept my invitation to sign-up for the weekly teachings and schedule a personal teaching series of your choice. You can do so on the contact page. If you have any questions, or if I can be of help in any way, please let me know. You can email me at wayne@eccff.org.